
How You Can Succeed By Literary Translating Your Self-Published Book!

Being a self-published author is not an easy task. They come with unique responsibilities that are absent in other domains of authorship and publishing altogether. Along with their focus on writing, self-published authors also need to pay attention to publishing and marketing their books. Although the responsibilities of self-publishing might seem humongous to the untrained person or layman, historically some authors have proved that the gains from self-publishing are much greater than going by traditional means.

How You Can Succeed By Literary Translating Your Self-Published Book!

Another astounding fact about self-published books is that they tend to get a higher readership in non-English speaking countries and therefore the need of quality Literary Translation Services in Bangalore is always there. Mentioned below are some of the many authors who have received higher success from literary translating their self-published books.

[ Must Read: How To Effectively Navigate Your Way In The Book Translation Domain? ]

  1. Jean Joachim

Jean Joachim is a very popular name in the self-publishing industry. Along her career since 2012, most of her self-published books have reached the rewarding position of Amazon’s top 100 books of the month as well as year. Originally a romance writer, Jean Joachim started her career by publishing books in English. After tasting success in English, she decided to get her books translated to both Spanish and Italian. Both of her decisions paid off well and since then Jean Joachim has been awarded several awards including several highly prestigious ones.

  1. Oliver Pötzsch

Another popular name in the self-publishing domain, Oliver Pötzsch is a German fiction writer. Originally his first book in German didn’t run so well, but did receive strong reviews by critics. Then Oliver Pötzsch decided to translate his books to English from German and the English title The Hangman’s Daughter of the same book did quite well in the market. Today, Pötzsch has written close to a dozen novels, selling more than 2.5 million copies of his books across the globe.

Thus it can be said that the need of Quality Literary Translation Services in Bangalore remains important till date.